We start treatment straight away
Relieve your pain and feel better
Change your posture and improve your spinal alignment – Starting Today.
Let us help you with your Headaches, Neck and Back pain.
Experience counts when it comes to your health and trusting your body with a practitioner. Dr Tony Ivory practices gentle chiropractic procedures and with his clinical experience and patient winning service, you can relax – you’re in safe experienced hands. In most cases, after a thorough consultation and spinal examination, treatment will commence on your first visit so you can get relief fast.
Our clinic is a ‘go to’ for Chiropractic treatment for everyone including FIFO workers, Couriers and Drivers, Office Workers, Tradies and Gym Enthusiasts and those wanting pain relief and answers to what’s causing their pain and changes to their posture. Whether you are after a ‘good crack’ or a more gentle form of treatment we can design an approach you are comfortable with.
We have an established reputation for having a no nonsense approach and getting the job done by ‘joining the dots’ using Chirologic so we can give you the answers you are looking for with our spinal mobilization and articular release techniques(SMAART) a combination of established treatment techniques.
Our clients/patients are from all over Perth, including Cannington, East Cannington, Beckenham, Maddington and Thornlie attending Cannington Chiro for treatment of low back pain, headaches, neck and shoulder pain recurrent migraines, postural problems, scoliosis and the effects of disc problems including sciatica.
Getting better is a process not an event. While some people may experience some temporary relief from a single Chiropractic session, Chiropractic care is generally more effective when approached as a corrective treatment plan. This can benefit for long term or complicated conditions which have not responded to traditional medicine or medically referred treatments. Please remember why you are interested in seeing us – you’re probably looking for answers so let us join the dots, our view maybe from a different perspective so stay open minded and let results speak for themselves.
Chiropractic medicine is now one of the largest primary health care professions in the western world. Cannington Chiro, The Back and Neck Clinic, Your Perth Chiropractor specialises in the treatment, correction and prevention of spinal disorders and their associated effects on your health and nervous system.
As the community becomes more health conscious, there is a growing awareness that tablets and pain killers are not always the answer. Chiropractic is becoming the treatment of choice for those seeking a highly effective, affordable, natural and drug free approach for the treatment of their spinal symptoms. At Cannington Chiro our genuine concern for our patients has led to a strong referral base. We are proud of our success and how we have helped so many over the years and we understand anxiety, tension and stresses related to constant daily living can take their toll and our clinic understands that relieving physical pain can make life just that much easier.
Our clinic is covered by 20 of Australia’s leading private health insurers including those listed below.
Book in now and find out how we can help.
Monday/ 8:45am - 11:45am / 2:45pm - 6:15pm Wednesday/ 8:45am - 11:45am / 2:45pm - 6:15pm Thursday/ 9:00am - 12:00pm / 2:45pm - 6:15pm Friday/ 8:45am - 11:45am / 2:45pm - 6:15pm Dr Tony IvoryChiropractor (08) 9350 5371 23/53 Cecil AveCannington WA 6107