Why go to a Chiropractor?
October 24, 2018
a man in a white coat

Without warning, back pain can change your world. It’s something we’ve seen often.

Panic can set in when bills need paying and you’re not able to work.  Things can quickly get out of control.

It doesn’t have to be this way.  Fortunately, on your doorstep, your local chiropractor in Cannington has over 25 years of experience using the most up to date techniques providing safe, effective treatment of back pain.

Being an expert in the hands-on treatment of back pain, Dr Ivory is acutely aware of how back pain can affect lives.  If you suffer with back pain, you may find some statistics interesting.  Check out the following regarding how common back pain is and how severely back pain can change your life.

80% of the Cannington community will suffer back pain!  Each week tens of thousands of Australians receive treatment for back pain. Is considered by The World Health Organisation as an epidemic in the western world and one of the top 5 causes of time off work, lost employment, health costs and family fragmentation.

The Chiropractor of today is educated for 5 years at University on a full-time basis and are acknowledged widely as the experts in spinal care.  In fact, in a study of low back pain in the prestigious ‘Spine’ it was revealed that compared to those who had chosen care from medical doctors, chiropractic patients were more likely to be satisfied with their care, and less likely to seek care from another provider for the same episode of pain.

If you’re in trouble and the above resonates and you don’t want to be another statistic come and see your local chiropractor, Dr Anthony Ivory, with over 25 years’ experience.

*Carey, T.S., Evans, A.T., Hadler HM, Liebermanm, G. Katsbeek, W.D., Jackson, Ametal (1996) acute severe low back pain, a populations-based study of prevalence and care seeking.  Spine, 21, 339-344