Your Cannington Chiropractor
October 25, 2018
a logo of a person with a blue and yellow hat

Chiropractic Education and Your Cannington Chiropractor.

Many are not aware that to be a registered Chiropractor, Chiropractors in Perth have undertaken a full 5-year University course and are the professionals who study the muscular and nervous systems for the full 5 years.  In Perth, Drs of Chiropractic graduate from Murdoch University and multiple university’s in the east coast and New Zealand.  Universities in America, Japan, Canada, England and Africa also embrace chiropractic education on their campus.

Why aren’t more people recommended to Chiropractors and are left to suffer needlessly often using medications that don’t work and lead to other problems?

Maybe it’s because Chiropractic care is a threat to the conventional system.  With the Chiropractic profession growing as it is in every suburb maybe it works too well, and it is a threat to the expensive traditional options.

We look forward to you making up your own mind.

*Chapman-Smith, D (2000) p45

Independent government and medical studies in America, Sweden and New Zealand have concluded Chiropractic Education is the equivalent to medical education in all the basic science.